General Information

ECEM 2024 offers the possibility to submit abstracts for symposia, as well as for individual talks and posters. Please note that symposia and individual contributions have different submission deadlines. Please read carefully through these instructions to ensure that your contribution can be considered for ECEM 2024. Submissions have to be made through our ConfTool system.

Number of contributions per author

Kindly note that we will allow each conference participant to be first author on one talk only (including a talk in a symposium), but each participant can be a co-author on as many presentations as he/she wishes, and first author on an additional poster if he/she wishes. Talks and posters must be presented by the first author of the contribution.

Please note: If the first author of an accepted contribution has not registered by July, 1st 2024, the contribution will be deleted from the programme.

Independent peer-review

The review panel is drawn from across a broad range of relevant expertise. Author- and reviewer-supplied keywords will facilitate the review-assignment process. The members of the scientific panel will oversee all review procedures and make the final decision on acceptance.

Abstract requirements

Acceptable abstracts for talks and posters alike must contain information about the research question, the method, the results, and their interpretation. Acceptable abstracts should also have a clear topical connection to eye movements. Please do not submit an abstract of work that you are planning to do and have not actually started to work on. Such abstracts will not be accepted.


Symposia can comprise either six talks of 20 min each (15 min + 5 min discussion), or five talks of 20 min each plus a 20 min general discussion.

Symposia should relate to the study of eye movements and eye tracking from a psychological, neurobiological, clinical, computational or applied perspective. Each symposium should provide a large view of one relevant topic and should provoke discussion, representing alternative theoretical views or alternative approaches rather than representing a single school. Symposia participants should come from at least three different institutes.

A symposium submission consists of a 200 to 500 word proposal stating how the individual talks are related and clarifying the benefit of a joint presentation. Before submitting a symposium, the chairs should collect abstracts of up to 200 words for all the individual talks of their symposium. These individual abstracts must be submitted as one separate PDF document, together with the abstract for the whole symposium. For each talk, this document should consist of a single page, including, the names of the authors, their affiliations, the e-mail address of the corresponding author, the title, and the abstract of the talk.

Symposia have to be submitted through the ConfTool system. Notification of symposium acceptance will be sent by April 10. Acceptance of a symposium entails acceptance of all talks of this symposium. Please note that first authors of individual talks in a symposium need to submit their individual talks nonetheless (for inclusion in the final program), but only once the symposium has been accepted.

(In case a symposium is not accepted as a whole, individual contributions of rejected symposia may be submitted by their first authors as individual talks or posters before the general submission deadline.)


Each talk will be 20 min (15 min + 5 min discussion). Talks should present high quality, original, empirical research either complete, or 'work in progress'. Any work related to the study of eye movements and eye tracking from a psychological, neurobiological, clinical, computational or applied perspective can be submitted as an oral presentation.

For talks, please submit a short 200 word abstract. If you want, you can also upload one page of supplementary material (e.g., a figure of your results) as a separate file (in PDF format) via ConfTool during the submission process. Please note that submission of supplementary material is optional and it is the reviewers' decision whether to take this supplementary information into account. Also note that supplementary material will not be included in the conference proceedings.

Notification of abstract acceptance for talks will be sent May 10. We cannot guarantee that we will respect the authors' preferences for oral or poster presentation. Depending on the number of submissions we receive, some presentations submitted as talks might have to be presented as posters. Authors will be informed in the acceptance mail if a submitted talk has to be presented as a poster instead.


Posters may present research in progress. Submission for posters will be 200 word abstracts. If you want, you can also upload one page of supplementary material (e.g., a figure of your results) as a separate file (in PDF format) via ConfTool during the submission process. Please note that submission of supplementary material is optional and it is the reviewers' decision whether to take this supplementary information into account. Also note that supplementary material will not be included in the conference proceedings.

All poster submissions will be peer reviewed and a decision for acceptance or rejection will be sent by May 10. All accepted and presented abstracts will be published in the Journal of Eye Movement Research.

When designing your poster, please bear in mind that your poster should be in DIN A0 portrait format (84.1 x 118.9 cm) or DIN A1 landscape format (84.1 x 59.4 cm). Material will be provided to hang the posters on the poster walls.

If you need to print a poster on-site, there's a commercial printshop in Maynooth, within walking distance of the conference venue.

Anything unclear?

If you have further questions regarding the submission requirements please contact the organisers.